Saturday, September 7, 2013

130904 Edith's Birthday

The highlight of the week was the celebration of Edith’s birthday.
Men on left:  Jim Crismon, Wallace Haws, Rob Dunford, Ray Johnson, Chuck Rucker
Women on right:  Joy Crismon, Edith Haws, Jill Dunford, Jill Johson, Vickie Rucker

Edith opening her gift from Wallace:  a Recorder

Edith helping a lady in Monte Plata get a garden
The following are pictures of the coop Wallace designed made from 4 sheets of plywood, 5 each 2x4s, 3 each 1x4, paint and varnish.  It comes with a door on one side to reach in a get the eggs, a door on one side to open for increased ventilation, a door on the other side for cleaning, a little door on the front for the chicks to enter the coop and a feeder that hangs from the bottom.  We prepare it as a kit, it is delivered to the family and takes about 1-1/2 hours to assemble ready to paint.  Pretty clever don't you think!   Each family must also prepare and plant a small garden spot.  The soil amendment, fertilizer, seeds and fence come as a kit also.